The Story of Sakti: How did we start? (5 Minute Read)

Sakti Botanicals is a family-owned business that originated in the heart of Indonesia. As an American born, I was offered a unique opportunity to grow up in another country. For a total of 7 years, I lived in Bali, attending an international high school and living among traditional Indonesian culture. During those years I was introduced to Mitragyna Speciosa - the plant we know as Kratom. 

All across Asia Kratom is a common medicine used for a variety of reasons, usually, the leaf is plucked straight from a branch and chewed on while working in the rice fields. This helps with body aches and provides an energy boost much as coffee does. I used kratom often and thought nothing of it - it was as common and harmless as a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. 

It was not until I moved back to America that I became aware of the controversy. All of the information about Kratom in the USA was misleading and inaccurate. As I began to seek out this simple plant I noticed a hole in the market. I realized companies were selling adulterated, untested Kratom, with no indications of where the product was sourced from or how it was harvested. Sakti Botanicals was inspired by my own interest in sourcing a safe supplement for myself and my closest friends and family. 

So what makes Sakti Botanicals unique? We are not your average botanical company. We believe in honesty and full transparency over making a quick buck. We source the highest quality kratom from cultivars we know personally in Borneo Indonesia. All of our products are wild-harvested from an ancient kratom forest (known among the locals as the best kratom producing region in the world) and lab tested for pesticides, heavy metals, adulterants, and microbial content to ensure safe consumption. We want to merge research with a quality product and we want our customers to see where their botanicals are coming from and how they are being cultivated.

Growing up in Indonesia gave me the opportunity to build strong connections overseas. Living in a culture where kratom was treated as a ‘medicine’ instead of a ‘drug’ helped me have respect for the plant. Kratom has the potential to save lives and we want to share this knowledge with those who need it most. Sakti Botanicals will also aim to provide real information about the plant as we continue to progress. Stay tuned for more articles addressing the science behind Mitragyna Speciosa, “ the strain gimmick”, origins of the plant, and more. 

Thank you for reading!