Why only 3 strains? 

While most Kratom users quickly recognize strain names such as “Bali Gold” “White Elephant” or “Red Thai” Kratom strains do not actually exist! There is one type of Kratom tree and it is actually the curing/drying process that is responsible for the end result.

We know this sounds questionable at first, but bear with us…..

Similar to how Green, White, Black, and Oolong tea all come from the same plant (Camellia Sinensis) Kratom “strains” are also all derived from the same plant (Mitragyna Speciosa). It is the method in which the leaves are processed that determines the end result. With tea, the levels of oxidation and light during the curing/drying process is responsible for the final color, flavor, and alkaloid profile and the same goes for Kratom. In actuality there are only THREE traditional curing methods for Kratom, each resulting in a powder that differs in color and alkaloids - Green, White, and Red.

While we know that we are turning away a lot of potential customers by not offering the many “strains” known in the industry, we believe in honesty, transparency and education over marketing gimmicks and making a quick buck.

Click Here to see us demonstrate this with our own Kratom plant in Asheville, NC

Click here to see photos of the curing and drying process in Borneo