Amazing Kratom Tea Recipe


  • 6 Grams of Fresh, Crushed or Powdered Kratom Leaf

  • 1 Table Spoon Of Chopped Ginger

  • 1 Whole Lemon

  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey or your Favorite Sweetener


  1. Bring 1.5 Cups of Water to a Simmer (Not a Boil!)

  2. In a Separate Cup Add 6 Grams of Fresh Kratom

  3. Squeeze a Whole Lemon Over The Kratom in your Cup

  4. Add Chopped Ginger

  5. Add Hot Water and Sweeten to Taste, Stir and then Let Steep for 10-15 Minutes

  6. After 15 Minutes of Steeping Pour the Tea Into a Fine Mesh Strainer to Filter out the Kratom

  7. Add Ice to Make a Delicious Iced Tea or Drink it Hot!

*Tip: You can put your tea in the freezer or fridge for 30 minutes to separate the powder from the liquid and pour it off the top.

*Boiling water may destroy some of the alkaloids so always use hot but not boiling.